Thursday, June 5, 2008

Big Girl and Bottles

Last night we took Reese swimming over at Nana & Papaw's house ( Blaine's parents) She had so much fun and needless to say she slept like a rock, we put her down at 8:30 when we got home and she did not make a peep until 7:30, I actually rolled over at one point and asked Blaine if he thought our baby was dead, she NEVER sleeps that late. Finally about 7:30 she started talking, I could see her on the monitor wiggling around and I knew there is only about a 10 minute window before she realizes that she is hungry and starts screaming. I went and got her and brought her downstairs, changed an award winning wet diaper and went to warm up her bottle. I was running behind as usual this morning and rushing around like crazy trying to get her fed and me dressed and ready for work. I gave Reese her bottle not even paying attention, I let go and she held it and fed herself, she did it like a pro. Blaine was there for back-up in case she got tired. I was so excited and sad at the same time, she is getting more self sufficient everyday, but that also means she is growing up so fast. I used to complain about holding her bottles and her drinking slow, and now she does not even need me. Blaine could not understand why I was so sad, he thinks it is great that she can feed herself, but it still makes me a little weepy. Slow down sister!

1 comment:

Mississippi Candice said...

AWE!!! Boogie Cindy she will always need you! I still need my mom and I am almost 30!