Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Reese's Bunny

Blaine and I decided tonight that we would bite the bullet and go have the ever so tacky but much needed for the baby book Easter Bunny Mall picture made. I know that these are not photo's that you usually have out on display, the bunny usually has on some kind of sequined vest and sitting on a terrible bench surrounded by fake flowers, HOWEVER it is my mom duty to get this pic made every year for her baby book! Anyway we thought for sure that she would be totally scared of the bunny, who wouldn't be? Think about being a 15month old and your mom handing you over to some pimped out looking life sized rabbit, it would make me cry too! Well Reese was not one bit scared of him, she walked right up to him and sat in his lap, she proceeded to stick her fingers all in the mouth opening of his costume and try to peek in ! We got our tacky picture and picked her up off his lap and she had a TOTAL MELTDOWN. She screamed and cried until we pulled out of the parking lot of the mall, she kept saying "Reese's' Bunny" it was so funny! I was unable to take her picture in the Bunny's lap, I guess they did not want me stealing their lovely "decor" ideas but here she is in the car still totally mad that she had to leave the bunny behind!

1 comment:

KellyFranks said...

THAT is hilarious!! Most kids look like that IN the bunny's lap!! ha! She is cute even when she's crying...