Monday, May 4, 2009

Jackson Trip

Reese and I went to Jackson this past weekend, Blaine was out of town, so it was a girls trip! We went to see Doc and GG, Doc just had his OTHER knee replaced, he has more metal parts in his joints than I have ever seen, he is doing much better, but not quite camera ready yet so we will get pictures of him next trip! We took Reese to eat at Walkers Drive Inn, this restaurant is Fantastic, it is truly the best food I have ever eaten, and I have had some great food ( I lived in New Orleans for 2 years) anyway, Reese had fun she was very entertaining! I think she might be becoming a food snob, oh well, atleast she gets it honestly..we will be in trouble though if she starts ordering appetizer's before she is 2! Here is a cute pic I took of her sitting outside of the restaurant! Could you not just eat her up..I could!

1 comment:

G.G. said...

she is so darn cute she can be a snob about everything!!!! She is a good girl... except she looks 3 years old in this picture. smiling like she's on a date:)