Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Lazy, Lazy, Lazy!

Well, I am officially a terrible blogger! There is no excuse for my laziness, I have had plenty of excitement going on, but just have not brought myself to blog about it..I officially turned 30 on September the 19th, my husband and wonderful sisters helped plan a fabulous birthday party for me equipped with Bee Gees and all. We had so much fun, and I can honestly say that a night out is much worse the next day after you turn 30!

Reese is crawling all over the place, she is the fastest crawler I have ever seen, sister does it like it is her job! She can pull up and loves to stand up in her bed and hold on to the side. Her and Alex are finally on the same playing ground and he usually hides from her because she likes to use his tail as support when she is trying to get somewhere faster!

My dad had a stroke on September 1st, My mother had come to stay with me for a few days and she had not been at my house 30 minutes when Jenny called and said that she had rushed dad to the emergency room at St. Dominic's in Jackson. I drove mom that night back to Jackson so the whole family could be with my father. Anybody that knows my dad will totally appreciate the fact that he was probably cooking a hotdog in my parents kitchen when he fell out, we have told him for years his "hotdog concoctions" would kill him, and this last one almost did, however do not worry after he laid on the floor for a good 20 minutes, managed to get himself up call my sister, HE ATE THE HOTDOG! How funny, I asked him why he ate it, and in a very Bobby Berryhill response he said, " Pumpkin I was Hungry" I was cracking up in the hospital room. He is going to be fine, he is going to have to have heart surgery to repair a hole in his heart, but he will be back to eating hotdogs in no time, just kidding, those days are over, he has to lose a mandatory 40 lbs, and until hotdogs are considered a diet food, it is going to be salad and fish for him. I got to spend some "quality " time with my sisters, I spent the night with Jenny every night, keep in mind that she has a queen size bed, I am close to 6 feet tall, and she is the kind of person where if any of you body parts, feet, hands, knees, etc..are touching hers she wakes you up to make sure you move it!

I have to say the icing on the cake was one night Jenny and I were just stupid tired, could not eat another bite of hospital food and were in dire need of a glass of wine, so we decided to go to Walkers and get a quick bite and a few cocktails. We left the restaurant around 11:00 headed home to finally get some sleep (provided I did not touch her with my knee while she slept) and as we got to her car we noticed that her passenger side window had been busted out! We were seriously parked across the street. we could see her Volvo from out table that we were sitting at OUTSIDE. Thanks Volvo for that great alarm that never went off. So we managed to get the walkers kitchen staff to help us bust out the rest of the glass and clean it up off the street, Jenny called the police and we waited on them to get there. Only Jackson finest would take 45 minutes to get to us when you could literally pogo stick to the precinct from where her car was parked, however if I was speeding down Ridgewood Rd. the would drive 100 mph to pull me over.

All in all it was a funny trip, I am just glad my father is going to be ok, the worst part is I have no pictures from any of these events, so I will just post one of Reese in her new pajamas and my awsome birthday cake!

1 comment:

G-G said...

bonnie, your gift of writing is amazing-you make me more, I need the giggles. Reese lookes like an angel in her pj's. but she looks cute in a sack:)thanks for all your help with dad. say your prayers and tell reese thar G-G can't wait to see her VERY SOON, hint-hint. I love you