Thursday, February 5, 2009

Pigtails and Tutu's

I have yet again been a bad blogger, no excuse, just plain laziness! Here is a recap of the last few weeks: I am 4 months pregnant as of Wednesday, we went to the doctor last week and heard the baby's heartbeat, it was in the 160's...pretty close to what Miss Reese's was. I am starting to think it is a boy though, I was convinced that Reese was a boy so much so that I even bought boy clothes and had to return them once we found out she was a girl, so who knows, I have zero "mom intuition" we do however find out on the 26th what baby Tyrone is and I am super excited about it! Reese is doing great, she is talking up a storm and is the total boss of our house. Her favorite thing to say is what's that / this, she loves to say papaw and daddy and she calls Alex, Al. She can say ball, bird, bus, juice, and her very most favorite thing to say is HEY. She is great at waving bye bye, and we are still working on blowing kisses. Her teachers at school think she is a genius, we think so too!

Her hair is in a very "transitional" stage, it is a borderline mullet, she finally sat still long enough to let me put it up in a pigtail on the top of her head, it looks so cute! She has tons of hair, much more than I had at 13 months, I was bald until I was 2, luckily she got Blaine's hair! I bought her her first tutu today and she LOVED it, it was the cutest thing I have ever seen, I could not resist buying it! Enjoy!

1 comment:

The Hassell Family said...

How adorable are these pictures?!?!?!?!