Thursday, February 26, 2009

Pink, Pink and more Pink!!!

It's a GIRL!! We are so thrilled, I was shocked, we both totally thought this baby was a boy, once again I was wrong! She looks great, all of her cute little parts were the right size and working perfectly! Blaine was so cute, he said he really wanted a boy, but he could not quit smiling when he found out it was another girl, he is already staring to panic about buying prom dresses and paying for weddings, I told him we have plenty of time to worry about that, our first major obstacle is having 2 babies in diapers at one time, we will definitely keep pampers in business! Reese was not one bit interested in her new little sister, much less looking at the pictures, as you can see by the photos this is what she already thinks of new baby! We went out to eat tonight with Nana and Papaw to celebrate our news and sweet little Reese was out in the car ride there, she was a sweet girl at dinner, I can not believe will have another one soon!


Mississippi Candice said...

Another female Blaine, WATCH OUT!! Can't wait!

The Sparrow said...

Oh, my heart goes out to Blaine...But he could just have a chat with your dad, since he had 3 girls...maybe he will have some advice to keep him from panicking. haha! Congratulations, and now there will be not one but TWO future Miss Oak Groves.